Tears Producer

I'm a tears producer recently

I can produce tears anytime anywhere

this kind of feeling always came to me after the thing happen

I dunno y

this is the second time

I always feel ok at the beginning

but after that...


and now,

I can cry easily everywhere, everytime

dun feel shock when u see my red eyes

and dun talk to me that time

I will cry in front of u without any reasons

I will suddenly so emo

and cry

especially when I bath

really non-stop

I dun like this kind of feeling

I think I dun dare to try for the third time

The feeling is really bad 

I dun wan to accept love anymore

It really hurt~

Thanks to those who always prepare their ears for me 24 hours everyday

Those who sms-ed me 

Those who take care of me

Those who always ask me "R u ok?"


It helps me a lot

but I still need some times to stop my tears...

0 little flower(s):


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